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Route Cathedral St. Cyril and St...

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Burgas, pl. Sv. Sv. Kiril i...

The starting point of the route is the Cathedral "St. Cyril and Methodius", located on the homonymous square in the city center. The three-nave basilica building with crosses was built in the period 1897 - 1907 at the place of the wooden church, which was the only place of worship of the Bulgarian population before the Liberation. Specifically, the Department is that remade is higher than the main dome. The main entrance is decorated with exquisite stained glass depicting the holy brothers. Cathedral was painted by famous for his work on the temple- monument "Alexander Nevski" in Sofia the artists Gyudzhenov and Kozhuharov.

From here continuing southwest along "Vasil Aprilov Str." , then turns sharply to the north -northwest at "Alexandrovska" to get to the second objective of the route - "St. Ivan Rilski "(" Alexandrovska " 149). Construction began after the Balkan wars, when the city is growing because of the numerous refugees from Western and Eastern Thrace, who settled here. Main contributor to the erection of the temple is the great local philanthropist Alexander Georgiev Kodzhakafaliata . Funds helps Union of Reserve Officers and many Christians from Burgas .

The church was officially opened on April 1, 1934 , and in 1951 and the old bell tower was replaced with a new one. It asks four bells of different sizes ( the heaviest is 100 kg). The iconostasis was painted by Professor Nikolai Kozhuharov. In 1973, at the dedication of the temple in the Holy Throne is consumed part of the relics of the martyr Saint Bacchus.

The last destination on the route is church "Holy Trinity" , go first to the east along "San Stefano" , then turn north on the avenue "Democracy" and "Stefan Stambolov" . The church was built in the period 1931 - 1936 and is located in the park "Izgrev". It icons from Edirne church "St. St. Cyril and Methodius". In 2000 the church was declared a place of worship anniversary, and two years later, during his visit to Bulgaria, Pope John Paul II crowned the symbolic icon the Virgin Mary is a protector of the unity of Christians.

  • Route
  • Church
Burgas - Attraction Route Cathedral St. Cyril and St. Methodius - Church of the Holy Trinity - Picture 1 Burgas - Attraction Route Cathedral St. Cyril and St. Methodius - Church of the Holy Trinity - Picture 2 Burgas - Attraction Route Cathedral St. Cyril and St. Methodius - Church of the Holy Trinity - Picture 3 Burgas - Attraction Route Cathedral St. Cyril and St. Methodius - Church of the Holy Trinity - Picture 4 Burgas - Attraction Route Cathedral St. Cyril and St. Methodius - Church of the Holy Trinity - Picture 5 Burgas - Attraction Route Cathedral St. Cyril and St. Methodius - Church of the Holy Trinity - Picture 6