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Devetashka cave

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Devetashka cave is located about 15 km. north of Lovech. It is one of the - largest caves in Bulgaria. This natural phenomenon has a length of 150 meters, and its entrance is 35 feet tall. The cave was discovered by Bulgarian scholar G. Katsarov in 1921

In 1950 the cave was used for oil storage, and large tanks that are keeping oil prices are still located near the entrance of the cave. Some of the most - interesting Neolithic finds in the Bulgarian lands, are found precisely in Devetashka cave. Access from 1 June to 31 July is banned, because then it is breeding season for bats. . In the doorway are settled rock swallows. Both are your swap space and the sounds that issue, intertwined in entering the cave, combined with the echo of the huge rooms are unique. Two of the easiest ways to reach the cave.

First option: s.Devetaki deviation from the main road Lovech-Letnitsa "crosses the river with a bridge on the right side of that river along the dirt road continues. After the bridge asphalt road continues with a sharp turn, steep climb to the village Devetaki. For cave leaves the dirt road parallel to the river, which leads to the entrance. This approach is convenient for guests who are only interested in the bright part of the cave.

Second option: for your visit to the cave is more convenient diversion from the main road Lovech-Letnitsa "in the section between the villages Doyrentsi and Alexandrov. Right discount asphalt road. This is the official time used by the military some time ago - State Reserve. Now a guide to serve old and abandoned, left only the walls of the mill and tall chimney unusable. By car to reach the start of the bridge, which was totally looted by scrap collectors unstoppable. Remained very small part of it and then the other side of river. Anyway, this is the closest and convenient place to get there by car to the cave.

Standing in front of a bridge destroyed in arriving at the river goes down the right side. There is a path or something like an abandoned cart road. There are plenty of lush vegetation, but it passes. To penetrate to the bottom of the cave you will need the boat. Blowing it and pass the Osam river. On the other side of the river is the cave entrance. Do not let air out of the boat! Everything just started!

  • Caves
Devetaki - Attraction Devetashka cave - Picture 1 Devetaki - Attraction Devetashka cave - Picture 2 Devetaki - Attraction Devetashka cave - Picture 3 Devetaki - Attraction Devetashka cave - Picture 4 Devetaki - Attraction Devetashka cave - Picture 5