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Devnya - Museum of Mosaics

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Devnya, 73, bul. Saedinenie

Museum of Mosaics in Devnia houses archaeological discoveries of 1976. During the excavations was discovered a large Roman building with magnificent mosaics. It is a townhouse Marcianopolis Roman city, at the end of III, the beginning of the IV century AD Ancient city was one of the largest in this part of the empire, but the house was occupied area of ​​the entire Roman neighborhood. The building consisted of a courtyard surrounded by residential buildings. Colorful mosaics cover five of the premises. Three of them can be seen in the places that are open, and the rest were restored and placed on a new support base. Cubes of marble, limestone, clay and colored glass in 16 colors depict scenes from mythology, animals, plants and other interesting shapes. The bedroom floor is covered with a mosaic pattern in a love story and puzzle "Seasons" is located in the ladies room of the house. Shield of Athena decorated with the severed head of the Gorgon Medusa, we can look at the floor in the living room. There is an ancient Greek legend about the abduction of Ganymede, the only panel with such a story found in Bulgaria is here in the largest room of the house - the host. Many different shapes and colors form the image of the ancient home and way of life of its inhabitants and parts of the architecture of the building will know more in the museum. It was built on part of the foundations of an ancient building. For 10 lev can benefit from the discussion of the professional guide from which you will learn more about your surroundings exhibits. Entrance is 2 lev for adults and 1 lev for students. For some reason, if you want to go you have to go during the week, the weekend does not work.

Working hours: 10:00 to 16:00

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