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Dunavtsi beach

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The beach near the town Dunavtsi (Vidin Municipality) is located only fifteen miles south of the regional center and offers excellent conditions for collecting tan and a variety of water sports. In recent years, bathing is not allowed here because officially pollution problems of the second largest European river. However, many local people as well as tourists choose beach Dunavtsi for a place to swim, relax, pursue hobbies and camping.

The main reasons for this are that there is very calm, the beach is wide, clean and covered with fine sand, and the river bottom is sloping, without pits, currents or eddies. Is not trivial and that on and around the beach near Dunavtsi has excellent facilities for camping, ecotourism, off-road and some impressive tourist route.

On the beach near the town Dunavtsi you can kayak, go for fishing, swimming or just have fun with friends. Gaza is relatively clean, covered with fine sand and the bottom in most places is sloping without eddies, holes and underwater currents. However, you should be aware that swimming here lies the potential dangers, as the beach is unguarded. Is situated nearby pond, which is rich in fish and is very suitable for quality rest and relaxation.

  • Beach
Dunavtsi - Attraction Dunavtsi beach - Picture 1 Dunavtsi - Attraction Dunavtsi beach - Picture 2 Dunavtsi - Attraction Dunavtsi beach - Picture 3