Nowadays Golyamo Bukovo monastery " Zhivotopriemen iztochnik " is the only survivor and active monastery in Strandja Mountain. It is hypothesized that its place in the XIII-XIV century is the famous Parorian monastery "St. Gregory of Sinai " - the cradle of hesychastic movement . Hesychasm is a mystical movement in Orthodox Christianity , stating that with hard prayer and reflection , the believer can attain union with God. The monastery is located in one of the most frequently visited and wild parts of Strandja , which further justifies that one time may have been a center of Hesychasts .
According to historians , the monastery was built in the XII century on the foundations of an ancient temple . There is a tradition that the holy place was set on high for a local resident . He said Costa Janov and often prolonged illness . When washed with water , and to this day gushing from the fountain in the altar of the monastery church healed . In the following centuries the monastery was destroyed , so that in the 70 years of the XVII century monastery , also known by the name "St. Petka " be restored. It is known that in 1903 the monastery monk Guy swapped sheep on 1000 acres of farmland eviction Turks and so the monastery acquired a lot of land in this region of Strandja . At the end of XX century the condition of the monastery is not good - the church is in ruins , and buildings have been converted into pig farms of the locals.
Nowadays Golyamo Bukovo monastery is inhabited only by the monk Euthymius and consists of a church , dilapidated two-storey stone convent and storey residential building under construction tower and another building under construction. If you go to a place personally yeromonahat will enthusiastically tell you the story of the monastery .
Orthodox Monastery " Zhivotopriemen source " is almost five kilometers east of the village Golyamo Bukovo and 50 km south of Bourgas. It leads to a decent dirt road that begins east of the village of Golyamo Bukovo . In the village there are signs the monastery . Near the village of Great Bukovo most easily be reached by leaving a turnoff to the village Varovnik from the main road Elhovo- Bourgas. Monastery in Golyamo Bukovo currently not available accommodation .
- Monastery