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Route Yailata - City Park Dobrich

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Kamen bryag

The starting point of this route, combining road and hiking is a protected area "Yailata." Translated from the Turkish name means "high place elevated above the surrounding pasture."

Yailata is located two miles south of Kamen Beach and less than twenty kilometers northeast of the town of Kavarna. Overhanging the sea, it represents a rocky terrace of three hundred acres, separated from the sea by the cliffs, some with a height of more than sixty meters.

Before seven thousand years in rock crevices, caves Yailata lived one of the most ancient inhabitants of Europe, then the human presence in the region is not interrupted until today. Excavations have found clear traces of Thracian and Roman presence, from the Byzantine period are preserved remains of a fortress (ports and four towers), picturesquely overhanging rock crown, below which the waves break.

From "Yailata" starting another protected area - "Bolata." It is also located near Bulgarevo (Kavarna, Dobrich) and combines beautiful beaches with an incredible diversity of animal and plant life. Of course, there are also remains of ancient settlements, especially in caves located on the beach.

The lake, which is located in Bolata is one of the main migration routes of migratory birds in Europe - Via Pontica, so here nest or rest some of the rarest bird species on the continent such as Little Grebe, Common Kingfisher and bittern.

Here the route continues drive to the park "St. George" in Dobrich, which was established in 1867 and is one of the oldest in the country. Then the city government decided Karabokluk part of the area to be planted with trees. Local rulers pass on a few lanes and over the years the park area is expanded and more ennobling. Small built attraction, known under the name Wooden city where they can romp freely while their parents relax.

Currently the area of the park is 430 acres, as in his city were built stadium, artificial rock gardens, caves, lakes and waterfalls, restaurants, summer theater and the park is one of the most popular holiday destinations of dobrichlii and tourists. Especially on weekends and holidays gather here sometimes thousands of people. This is the last point on the tourist route, though if you want you can visit many other attractions of the largest city in the interior of northeastern Bulgaria.

  • Route
  • Reserve
Kamen bryag - Attraction Route Yailata - City Park Dobrich - Picture 1 Kamen bryag - Attraction Route Yailata - City Park Dobrich - Picture 2 Kamen bryag - Attraction Route Yailata - City Park Dobrich - Picture 3 Kamen bryag - Attraction Route Yailata - City Park Dobrich - Picture 4