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Malak Preslavets - swamp of whit...

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Malak Preslavets

Malak Preslavets is a protected area located directly on the shore of the Danube River about 4 kilometers away from the village of Little Preslavets . Located about 30 kilometers from the Managed Reserve "Sreburna " and is home and food for glossy ibises , herons , spoonbills , cormorants and more. The swamp is known mostly by the fact that its territory is the largest colony of white water lines in Bulgaria - an endangered species lily, which is found in the Red Book of Bulgaria . Throughout the protected area was a total of 178 hectares , while the area of ​​the marsh itself is 38.5 ha. In structure and construction it is very similar to Silver Lake . Its water level by surface water , precipitation and groundwater. Built levee that serves as an overflow of the Danube.

The marsh is one of the most important nature reserves in the Danubian area. It is rich not only in plant but also animal species. Are registered 177 species of vascular plants and 61 families and 147 species of birds. Blue bile, borage , red clover , small and plump duckweed bezkorenchesta Wolf spirodela floating hornwort , water buttercup , etc. , as well as white water lily are just some of the flora of the swamp. Whiskered Tern , Marsh Harrier , Buzzard, Montagu's harrier, blackbird , falcon, white-fronted Water Hen - Coot can do to please fans of the winged representatives of the animal world. Do not miss this natural paradise !

Malak Preslavets - Attraction Malak Preslavets - swamp of white water lily - Picture 1 Malak Preslavets - Attraction Malak Preslavets - swamp of white water lily - Picture 2 Malak Preslavets - Attraction Malak Preslavets - swamp of white water lily - Picture 3 Malak Preslavets - Attraction Malak Preslavets - swamp of white water lily - Picture 4