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Miikovska Ecopath

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Miikovska trail was built to provide tourists the opportunity to see the best possible use of natural attractions of the Elena - Tvardishki share of Central Stara Planina. As its name suggests , it starts Miikovtsi located 12 km from the municipal center Elena.

The trail is relatively easy to move , there is little displacement, smooth climbs and descents , which makes it suitable for not very prepared travelers and groups with small children. The route follows the picturesque river bed of hot . Located in an area with an extremely healthy climate and unspoiled . Elena Balkan is one of the places with the most sunny days in the country. The average altitude of the trail Miikovska 730 meters.

Along the route there are several smaller rivers and creeks . All of these, as well as warm river, are very suitable for sunbathing and fishing as it is relatively secluded , shallow , combining passionate rapids and calm , quiet pools . Picturesque woods through which flow rivers are rich in beautiful meadows providing excellent facilities for camping .

The most common fish in the Balkan region barbell and mullet . Specimens usually indistinguishable large size, but in contrast, have great taste. If you decide to engage in fishing , do not forget to bring with you catching your ticket to have problems with the authorities and develop a long -awaited break.

While passing through a mountainous area Miikovska trail is available for hiking from early spring to late fall , and the more experienced tourists can without problems to pass on it , even in winter. The surrounding area is attractive for mountaineers it is during the cooler months of the year , as around a ski slope and many huts . The village is the starting point for several trails .

The trail is well maintained . In many places are placed wooden benches , tables and shelters are built to allow for spending ( and why not some wonderful nights in the mountains ) . The surrounding area is rich in habitats of rare plants, as well as places where you can find delicious berries (strawberries , blackberries , raspberries ) Dabina and rich deposits of edible mushrooms . From Elena Balkan grow dozens of herbs.

Do not hesitate if it is safe to plan your family vacation with transition and nights along the trail Miikovska . Just equip suitable for mountain area and see the weather. Then get ready for a wonderful experience in nature.

  • Ecopath
Miikovtsi - Attraction Miikovska Ecopath - Picture 1 Miikovtsi - Attraction Miikovska Ecopath - Picture 2 Miikovtsi - Attraction Miikovska Ecopath - Picture 3 Miikovtsi - Attraction Miikovska Ecopath - Picture 4