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Breznishka Lakes

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Breznishki Lakes is a group of lakes of glacial origin located in Breznishka circus in the northern part of Pirin Mountain. West area of the three lakes Breznishki bordering ridge peak Chengelcha and peak l Demirchal , north of Kadriev Ridge and south - Yanuzov ridge. The three lakes are small in size and are located at 2579-1963 m altitude.

Breznik upper lake is the highest lakes of the three Breznishki lakes. Extremely beautiful and distinct from the others in that it is located in the funnel circus southeast of Mount Chengelchal . The lake is one of the highest Pirin lakes - is the fourth in a row after Polejansko Upper Lake, Upper Geyser Lake and Pleshivo lake. Its area reaches 13.5 acres , and its shores are lined with rocky scree walls where there is no vegetation grows . View of the ideal funnel Breznishka Upper Lake is delightful , especially when viewed from Yanuzov hill ! View that you will never forget . Southeast of it is the second lake by lake group - Average Breznik lake ( 2217 m above the sea ) . It is the largest lake of the three Breznishki lakes with an area of ​​21.8 hectares. The latter is the Lower Lake Breznik Lake, which is also called dry pond . It is the lowest lake in Pirin mountain (1963 m above the sea ) and is located 1,700 meters east of the Middle Breznik lake. With its area of 4.6 hectares , it is the smallest of the lake group.

Breznik upper lake gives rise not Tufcha River . It flow streams draining from various other lake groups in Pirin , and so it became the longest deep-water river in these areas of Pirin. Starting point to the lakes can be Breznitsa village through which passes the river Tufcha .

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