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Prevalski Chukar peak

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In the largest and most popular part of Pirin is relatively high peak Prevalski chukar . It rises to 2,605 m above sea level and is situated between the main mountain peaks Valyavishki chukar ( 2,664 m ) and Small Tipits ( 2,644 m ) . The characteristic appearance of the peak is typical of many of the peaks in the region - the goal overgrown with grass and bushes of juniper.

By Prevalski Chukar west scaled , which defines the border between circuses and Bashliyski and Chaira . Eastern slopes of the peak are extremely steep , bare , striated with several avalanche chute and descend more than 400 feet to the valley Valyavitsa . They are named after a great passion for the imposing look, viewed from the river .

North Prevalski Chukar is associated with the neighboring small Tipits in long saddle . Southern slopes fairly steeply down to one of the lowest saddle on the main ridge in the Pirin - Pass ( Chairska Pass) .

Pirin mountain is full of glacial lakes . Among Vasilashkite , Bandarashkite and Kremen Lakes , we can enjoy and Prevalskite . This is a small group of lakes, located in west central ridge of Pirin. Located in Prevalski circus enclosed between the peaks and Prevalski Valyavishki chukar chukar . If you want to check Prevalskite Lakes , take the trail that starts from Bansko ski chalet Damyanitsa and reaches Begovitsa . On this route, marked in blue , you most enjoy Prevalskite lakes. It passes through the saddle Mozgovishka gate. Pass through it and the path from Vihren for Tevno lake (marked in red) , summer trail from Bansko and Demianitza for Begovitsa (marked in blue ) and winter trail from the hut for shelter Tevno Lake ( stake marking ) .

We should note that sometimes in the literature the name Prevalski Chukar is attributed to one of two elevations west and east of Mozgovishkata gate. Thus, for example , as the largest country called incorrectly very top Prevalski chukar . Despite some ambiguity in the toponymy most authors considered Prevalski Chukar elevation north of Saddle Pass , seen here .

Available to hikers near Prevalski Chukar are several lodges , including Bezbog, Bunderitza, Vihren , Gotse Delchev, Demyanitsa , Kamenica, Camp , Raspberry , Pirin, Sinanitsa , Iavorov and Yane Sandanski .

  • Mountain Peak
Pirin - Attraction Prevalski Chukar peak - Picture 1 Pirin - Attraction Prevalski Chukar peak - Picture 2