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Route Rozino village - Echo hut

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The tourist route from Rozino ( Karlovo , Plovdiv District) in the areas Chamakh , Panitsite and Karagyolski Preslap to hut "Echo" starting from the railway station in the village and takes about 4-5 hours. Of crossing is taken to the west , following the line and clearly marked in white / green / white reaches the level crossing and shallow gully . From here you can continue on the mark that surrounds , but can continue in a northerly direction along the ravine . Either way to reach large meadow area ( Kodzhabashtarla ) .

From now follows easily recognizable way out to the site Salty stone ( Tustasha ) , and shortly thereafter to the place Chamakh , the territory of which a pool and a beautiful , well- maintained fountain, where you can relax before the steep climb. From the railway station to Chamakh transition lasts about an hour and a half.

By Chamakh path leads to the northeast , and after about half an hour to reach the saddle Panitsite ( Chanakriite ) displayed far trail and dirt road from the village of Hristo. Hence the route climbs steadily and steeply for an hour and a half to come to Karagyolski Preslap . In the beginning it starts serpentinoobrazno right as we left the lower limit of the forest, and we have left open terrain . Although still in the lower part of the mountain there are many beautiful sights , and along the path there are two fountains .

After some time getting to be a long sloping meadow that offers plenty of views to the Stara Planina ridge and valley Podbalkanska . Marking leads to Preslap a bar , easily recognizable , and began in Panitsite .

By Karagyolski Preslap also can enjoy the spectacular views as we have already raised enough altitude ( 1550 m ) . Hence see nearly vertical rocky slopes on the south side of the Stara Planina ridge. By Preslap continue to Karagyol sloping meadow , which has abandoned fountain. Hence began climbing the rugged northeastern slopes of the Fist ( 1819 m altitude ) is not particularly high , but very beautiful and austere mountain peak . From now sees nestled under the cliffs hut "Echo" . Shortcutting the very fist path reaches the fountain with very cold water and soon reached the small col on the main ridge , which is a chapel . From here to the hut is reached in five minutes on the north .

  • Route
  • Huts
Rozino - Attraction Route Rozino village - Echo hut - Picture 1 Rozino - Attraction Route Rozino village - Echo hut - Picture 2 Rozino - Attraction Route Rozino village - Echo hut - Picture 3 Rozino - Attraction Route Rozino village - Echo hut - Picture 4