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Regional Historical Museum - Shu...

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Shumen, 17, bul. Slavyanski

Shumen Historical Museum stems from 1857, when the Renaissance master Dobroplodni Sava with his students organized the first expedition to the ruins of the ancient capital Veliki Preslav and artifacts found there, exposed in the local school .

Since 1891 the museum is located in a building downtown, where even today visiting tourists. Historical Museum of Shumen has eight permanent exhibitions, presenting findings from V millennium BC until the twentieth century

A walk in the museum has a hall "Prehistory." Here are findings from the region of Shumen Chalcolithic and Bronze Age. Among the interesting exhibits is a religious court in the shape of a duck found near Smyadovo. In Room "Antiquity" is exhibited tomb of the fourth century BC Religious monuments "Stone grandmothers", dating from XI century can be seen in the first hall devoted to the Middle Ages. The exhibition begins with artifacts from the founding of the Bulgarian state and Pliska found near the area. In the second hall of the exposition are placed findings from the first Christian capital of the Bulgarian state - Preslav. In the hall, "Bulgarian Revival" is given to reforms in the Bulgarian schools. During the Renaissance (XVIII - XIX century) Shumen is the center of the Bulgarian musical culture. From 1991, the museum has a special exhibition dedicated to the Christian culture of the XVII - XIX centuries. Below are the icons, books of worship, royal gates and others.

A special room is devoted to a rich numismatic collection, which the Regional Historical Museum - Shumen, holds. It includes more than 100,000 coins, some of which are unique. The coins are set out in chronological order.

Some of the objects to the Historical Museum of Shumen are museums Panayot Volov, Lajos Kossuth and the complex Pancho Vladigerov.

During the winter months the museum is open from 9.00 to 17.00 and does not work weekends. Lectures worth five leva. Here you can get information on working hours and exposure of objects to the museum.

Working hours: 10:00 to 18:00

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