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Route Sliven - Mollova grove

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The starting point of the educational route is located in Mollova grove at the foot of the picturesque Blue Stones . The easiest way to reach the area is starting from the "City of hundred chieftains " to Ichera village on asphalt road.

Mollova grove is located about 8 km from Sliven. Named after Haji Mullah - one of the largest forest owners in the area centuries ago. The area is initial or terminal point for many hiking .

" Environmental educational trail" offers tourists a variety of inexhaustible wealth of flora and fauna. Among the plant species are the most rare and delicate purple mullein , nachlenen salep, barbed bell black heather , marsh peacock feather . Of the animal differ salamander , turtle, eagle and owl .

Strikingly , cultural and historical significance of the area. West of Kushbunarska river at the foot of a rocky hill, are the remains of " fortress kyupya " , near which are the remains of a medieval church , and not far away stands a rock phenomenon The Cask of ruins of an observatory at the top.

At the start of the route is set a data plate that tourists can learn interesting details about Natural Park "Blue Stones" - ecological niche occupied by more than 1000 plant species, 1100 insects and 244 representatives of the animal kingdom .

Track enters the beautiful forest . Here are two more placed information boards - " Life on Earth " and " Earth's past ," acquaint visitors with the history of our planet since its creation about 4.5 billion years in the emergence of the first living organisms to Homo sapiens .

The trail reaches a dirt road and it continues in the Northeast , offering the opportunity to become familiar with the vast plant and animal diversity in the area. Soon find yourselve on a small bridge , near which is placed a data plate revealing the secrets of the circulation of chemicals in nature.

The trail continues west, after ten minutes reached meadow which in spring is covered with beautiful flowers. Here was built a shelter where you can relax , enjoying the spectacular views of the Blue Rocks . By marking made ​​their way to a new panel that provides information on rare , threatened and endangered plant and animal species in the area.

After ten minutes the tourists can enjoy the beautiful view of the phenomenon Kaloyanovi towers. Environmental education trail ends nearby - at a shelter near which there is a spring with cold mountain water . From here to Karandila can be reached by trail marked in red .

  • Route
Sliven - Attraction Route Sliven - Mollova grove - Picture 1 Sliven - Attraction Route Sliven - Mollova grove - Picture 2 Sliven - Attraction Route Sliven - Mollova grove - Picture 3 Sliven - Attraction Route Sliven - Mollova grove - Picture 4