3 stars 3 stars 3 stars

Tourist attraction
Absurd Theatre

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Sofia, 3, j.k Lyulin do bl....

Theatre " Absurd " was created in 1998 by Dinko Gospodinov, Vladimir Kolishkin and Miroslav Stoilov . Theater work in the performing arts. Here you can see some interesting children's puppet shows that are guaranteed to lift your mood. The actors playing in the theater are Sestremska R., Vasko Pavlov, Margarita Kostova . Performances , which you can enjoy in our theater are " Kose Bose ", " Santa pulls turnip ," " Enchanted Forest ", " Story Before Christmas " and " Toto and the girl ." Theater work in the public interest , and all performances are free. He visited many cities in Bulgaria it is funded by "Art in Motion" was initiated by the " Art Office " together with the " America for Bulgaria " . The purpose of the one-year pilot project is to assist financially and logistically independent young artists who want to showcase their products outside the capital.

  • Theater
Sofia - Attraction Absurd Theatre - Picture 1 Sofia - Attraction Absurd Theatre - Picture 2