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Cycle route Simeonovo lakes - Ti...

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This cycle route that starts from the Sofia district "Simeonovo" is relatively short, but in contrast, introduces you to some of the most beautiful places in Vitosha. From the houses of "Simeonovo", located on the border of the forest start a forest road that follows direction as the water channel to "Dragalevtsi". The track moves it to the west, passing over the villa zone it follows the road of "Dragaletsi" to hut "Aleko."

After crossing the main road, take the street level to reach an iron bridge that crosses Dragalevska river. Immediately turn left and up to reach the pool. About half a mile later, the trail turns right on a flat road, I bring to the water plant "Boyana". Soon after, turn left down a steep path. This part of the course is short, but still judge forces since the slope is quite serious.

Shortly after overcoming steep, the route takes you to the high street situated in "Boyana". Moving it to the moment it was over, reach Boyana river crossing on a wooden bridge. Waiting for you for a short climb through a beautiful, dense forest to get to the fountain of good water.

Here the road forks and the route continues to the right and after about a mile and a half takes you on the road to Golden bridges. Is not very steep climb of just over half a kilometer. From here turn to White water where you can relax properly. Only after a few turns, you find yourself in front of the tourist complex "Tihia kut", located in Golden bridges. Located at an altitude of 1075 meters in one of the most scenic and popular areas of Vitosha. The complex consists of motel, restaurant and pool, so you can be fully rewarded for your efforts.

  • Route
  • Lakes
  • Bicycle route
Sofia - Attraction Cycle route Simeonovo lakes - Tihia kut area - Picture 1 Sofia - Attraction Cycle route Simeonovo lakes - Tihia kut area - Picture 2 Sofia - Attraction Cycle route Simeonovo lakes - Tihia kut area - Picture 3