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Route Aleko hut - Black peak

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The tourist route that connects the capital Sofia with hut "Aleko " and Black Peak ( 2290 m above sea level) is the most popular for climbing the highest peak of Vitosha . From the city to lead the hut well maintained path that you can climb on foot and by car . Because the mountain is best organized in terms of infrastructure mountain in Bulgaria to "Aleko " you can reach and lift, which is the first station on the territory of Sofia "Simeonovo" . The journey takes about half an hour and saves displacement of 1,100 meters.

From hut "Aleko " to Black Peak leads steep scenic trail that overcomes an hour and a half. It is necessary to keep in mind that all space is open and rocky , so during the warmer months of the year is better to go early in the morning because in the afternoon the heat becomes quite serious.

After dealing with the worst part of the climb , you will leave end dilapidated building near the creek that passes . Here it is appropriate to take a short break to prepare for the final ascent. The route of Black Peak is clearly visible , and in the majority of the year on it constantly traversed separate groups of hikers and tourists , so you can hardly go wrong. Moreover, here is seen the top .

Once again take the route he will take you to a highway about 20 -ish minutes. This is the place where you can take a peak Kamen Del ( 1862 m , north), but suffice it to continue in the winter marking the west. From here to the Black Peak has only one deviation from the open road - to the second highest peak of Vitosha Mountain - Big Rezen ( 2277 m ) .

Following the winter marking the highest peak of the mountain , you will cross several creeks with metallic taste of the water. Shortly prior to the Black Peak ascent becomes steeper , but it's short . Soon you will see the weather station on top. There you can take a break, drink tea or eat hot soup .

Of Black Peak incredible views in all directions - to the west are the mountains of Kraishte , south , like a powerful wall rise the northern slopes of Rila Mountain, north of view , and to the northwest - Western Balkan Lyulin . Themselves can decide whether to return the same way or to take to Kamen Del north to enjoy the full view of the capital and to diversify its route .

  • Route
  • Mountain Peak
  • Huts
Sofia - Attraction Route Aleko hut - Black peak - Picture 1 Sofia - Attraction Route Aleko hut - Black peak - Picture 2 Sofia - Attraction Route Aleko hut - Black peak - Picture 3 Sofia - Attraction Route Aleko hut - Black peak - Picture 4 Sofia - Attraction Route Aleko hut - Black peak - Picture 5 Sofia - Attraction Route Aleko hut - Black peak - Picture 6