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Historic Landmark
Ulpia Serdica Fortress

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Notorious , the Byzantine Emperor Constantine I the Great was worshiped beauty of Serdica . He had no desire to erect in its place of the capital of the empire, but his aides dissuade him . And, perhaps , it is better that the events have come together in this way. Otherwise be gone Bulgaria , at least not within their present territories.

Nowadays Sofia reveals some of the mysteries of its long and rich history. Wandering the streets of the capital actually go on the ruins of cities that existed tens of centuries. We can only guess what lies beneath our feet .

Along with the construction of the metro station " Serdica " and Largo , in the very center of the city - nestled between the Sheraton and the National Assembly, the Council of Ministers and Department Store can now be seen preserved parts of the old- fortress of Ulpia Serdica. The site is a real attraction for both local residents and the nearly three million tourists who come to Sofia every year.

Disclosure of the Roman city starts since 1944 , when massive bombing destroyed much of the city center. In the reconstruction of the area was made further digging , accepted that emerge remains of a Thracian settlement. According to historians in 27 BC it was conquered by the Romans and its name - Uslpia Serdica gets the time of Emperor Marcus Ulpius Trajan ( 98-117 years). Several decades later Roman emperors Marcus Aurelius and Commodus foundations of the fortress.

It is curious to imagine in which locations in Sofia today pass walls . East side of the castle ran from the lawns in front of Hotel Rila to the mineral springs at the intersection of streets Iskar Serdica. North face reached the corner of the street Exarch Joseph and Maria Luiza Blvd . From there she went to the wall is southwest and passed in halite . Western Wall followed the direction of the streets and Washington Lavele as it reached to the present Courthouse . The south wall is believed to be passed under Alabin to connect with the east wall at the Rila Hotel . In the underpass of the former Party House Alternatively, you can see one of the four gates - east . It is estimated that each gate was plaque indicating the year of her construction Fortunately, one of the plates is preserved to the present day - the slab of the north gate can be seen in the exhibition space on the subway.

Hopefully , you will not be satisfied by reading the description of the fortress. Go and enjoy a spot of well displayed archaeological site . No experience is better than that seen with our own eyes. Access by Ulpia Serdica is free, and there is signs that will give you additional information and clarification .

  • Fortress
Sofia - Attraction Ulpia Serdica Fortress - Picture 1 Sofia - Attraction Ulpia Serdica Fortress - Picture 2 Sofia - Attraction Ulpia Serdica Fortress - Picture 3