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Strandja mountain trail

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Beginning of Strandja mountain trail is about 200 meters from the waterfall Dokuzak located near Stoilovo. The route can be traveled for 2.5 hours in a normal way. The area has a low degree of difficulty , suitable for beginners and groups of tourists with small children.

Initially, the route passes through beautiful mixed forest of pine and oak, which is especially impressive during the spring and autumn months , and during the summer heat gives refreshment . After about a kilometer built too curious facility " forest sniper " offering information about typical Strandja tree and shrub species and the opportunity for enthusiasts to try to mimic the sound made by woodpeckers.

From Strandja mountain trail begins a short and relatively easy climb is not particularly steep slope that leads to the summit of Bosnian plateau. This place is inserted data plate representing the curious hikers data for different types of mushrooms growing in the vicinity. Hardly , however, we can judge severely those who prefer to enjoy the incredible panoramic view rather than read. For the simple reason that the Bosnian plateau you get the full picture of the remarkable beauty of Strandja - one of the most magical Bulgarian mountains.

The plateau grow and oldest tree in the area - oak approximate age of 550 years. The makers of the forest trail from the Natural Park "Strandja " have prepared another entertainment for tourists - " forest xylophone " , through which you can try to play sounds through various types of wood.

After Bosnian plateau forest path continues descending through beautiful meadows, surrounded by dense oak and beech forests. In the valley of the river Mechi Dol visitors are greeted by another surprise - rope trolley over the bed , called " For the bravest of the group ." The end point of the transition is located in the Kukulyat . The route is extremely light and easily overcome , even for beginner hikers and small children. Marking and information boards help coming for the first time to learn about local nature and are not lost in Strandja . Are separate rest areas have the opportunity to participants sleep and prepare food.

Stoilovo - Attraction Strandja mountain trail - Picture 1 Stoilovo - Attraction Strandja mountain trail - Picture 2 Stoilovo - Attraction Strandja mountain trail - Picture 3 Stoilovo - Attraction Strandja mountain trail - Picture 4 Stoilovo - Attraction Strandja mountain trail - Picture 5