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Ecopath Dangerous Tooth

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Ecopath " Dangerous tooth" starts from the center of the Balkan town is for sale . Its lowest point is of course in the place (420 m altitude ) , and the highest - shelter " Dangerous tooth" (910 m altitude ) , a picturesque slopes of the towering symbol of the Republic - Petrahilya peak ( 1179 m above sea height). The duration of the transitions in both directions is about 1.5 - 2 hours .

Once you walk away from downtown , the route passes hotel " Zdravetz" where before tourists discovered two options. They can continue straight through the steep meadow that stretches right across the hotel entrance or continue on the asphalt road . In both cases, leading to a cozy recreation area with arbor and masonry fireplace. Here we continue along the red marking that , on the way to the shelter there are signs that indicate the route to Mount Petrahilya (left) and Ravni stone (how marking is also red ) .

Although relatively serious displacement for short , eco-trail to shelter " Dangerous tooth" is very nice and varied . The wonderful views of the poor , where is situated the town Teteven passes through beech forest , steep talus and in the very foot of the shelters are going up a narrow stone chute secured with three consecutive railing. For the actual shelter is equipped fabulous panoramic site that reveals even better views of the city and its surroundings.

Ecotrail " Dangerous tooth" is suitable for beginner hikers , but requires increased attention and concentration , because the track has several potentially dangerous area . Despite the seeming proximity to the city and the popularity of the route, approach him with due attention , pick a proper outfit and tell a trusted source for weather, waiting for you. Eco is suitable for climbing when there is no snow and not too wet .

If desired, after enjoying the beautiful scenery of " Dangerous tooth" and the rock in front of him , you can climb and emblematic for Teteven peak Petrahilya, took ownership of its residents as one of the emblems of the city . There are two routes . The first starts from the shelter around and climbs to the top sloping , while the second should return ecotrail to the aforementioned markings. It leads to a steep ridge and after a serious climb to reach Petrahilya where except to the Republic , you have amazing views of Central Stara Planina ridge to the south and Vassiliovska Mountains to the north.

  • Ecopath
Teteven - Attraction Ecopath Dangerous Tooth - Picture 1 Teteven - Attraction Ecopath Dangerous Tooth - Picture 2 Teteven - Attraction Ecopath Dangerous Tooth - Picture 3 Teteven - Attraction Ecopath Dangerous Tooth - Picture 4 Teteven - Attraction Ecopath Dangerous Tooth - Picture 5