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Historic Landmark
Klisura monastery "St. Cyril and...

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Klisura monastery "St. Cyril and Methodius "lies at the foot of the mountain peak Todorini kukli, 9 km from Berkovitsa and 12 km from Varshets. Situated in a picturesque area and surrounding area is an attractive center for recreation and walking. The area has the status of the monastic settlement.

Monastery founded in the first half of XIII century, during the long years of its existence has been destroyed, looted and restored several times. Today it is the fourth largest in Bulgaria.

In the courtyard of the monastery complex there is a holy spring water which is considered to be curative. Monastery "St. Cyril and Methodius "acting nunnery and includes two churches, residential and commercial buildings and private farm. In the middle of the complex rises, is the main church. The complex includes the enchanting scenery - green lawns, cold and clear as a tear water, shady green meadows and ancient trees. It offers accommodation and a restaurant with national cuisine and its products are ecological from their own production. From monastery to Todorini kukli there is a travel mark, here will tell you the legends about the peak.

If you are around , you can not miss to visit this sacred place, a desire to stay in it. You'll find yourself in a fantasy world.

  • Monastery

Working hours: 07:30 to 18:00

Varshets - Attraction Klisura monastery Varshets - Attraction Klisura monastery Varshets - Attraction Klisura monastery Varshets - Attraction Klisura monastery Varshets - Attraction Klisura monastery Varshets - Attraction Klisura monastery