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Route Vladaia - Area St. Ivan Ri...

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This pretty light hiking route has a duration of only 40 minutes and displacement between the lowest and highest point only 90 meters. As with most routes starting point Vladaia village, and this starts from the square in the center where is the restaurant "Tzarevetz". Go east on the street "Opheliite" , gradually gaining altitude. It got to the stone steps, after climbing the path that runs along the cemetery and out in the area of ​​Teresina.

To the left of the trail is an abandoned building on the former kindergarten and right are information boards that have roads to the nearest and most frequently visited tourist destinations - chalets "Selimitsa", "Ostritza" and "Edelweiss" and rest homes of radio "Rudnichar", area Fonfon... Climb continues on nice alley parallel to the left bank of the river Vladayska, and after about five minutes leads to a deviation to the left, leading to the localities Tihia Kut and Bela Voda. After another five minutes the route crosses the river on a wooden bridge and continue to follow this road on the right bank.

Path climbing rapidly, describing loops between the thick trunks of old-growth forest of white pines. Soon reaches the site Rudishteto that is a true crossroads of hiking trails - here cross five. Continuing north along the driveway to the site Tihia Kut. Not long left deviate motor road for Vladaia and from this place the track expands and passes through mixed deciduous forest. After ten minutes you can reach the remains of the pavilion, and the path turns left (northeast) .

Hence the final ascent of the route - a few steps that lead to the area of St. Ivan Rilski. It is also known as Consecrated ground. Both names are based on the legend that the transfer of the relics of the saint from Veliko Tarnovo to Rila Monastery monks spent the night here, in the vicinity of present-day monastery "Holy Trinity" , where a chapel named after Rila hermit.

  • Route
Vladaya - Attraction Route Vladaia - Area St. Ivan Rilski - Picture 1 Vladaya - Attraction Route Vladaia - Area St. Ivan Rilski - Picture 2 Vladaya - Attraction Route Vladaia - Area St. Ivan Rilski - Picture 3