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Kayaking route Zagrazhden villag...

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This kayaking route is relatively long (sixty-six km), but is very pleasant and offers an incredible panoramic views and exciting experiences. The starting point is the small village Zagrazhden (Gulyantsi Municipality, Pleven District).

The first landmark on the route (not that there's a way to get lost along the Danube) is a Romanian island Kalnovat, then seamlessly leads to the village of Izgrev without even having to paddle hard. You can simply enjoy the abundance of beautiful scenery and diversity of generally rare waterfowl.

After you pass the small village Izlaz, you reach Somovit where big beautiful river Vit flows into the Danube. Soon after his kayak passing by you will enter the waters of the National Park "Persina" so that you can enjoy the typical riverside areas preserved for generations.

The park is very young - created in 2000 to be restored and preserved wetlands along the river, with a focus on the numerous islands and islets in the town of Belene. Two years later "Belene Islands Complex" was named the biggest area in Ramsar site in Bulgaria with an area of ​​nearly 7000 hectares.

In the region of Nikopol, one of our great Danube cities, you can admire the picturesque white stone cairns along the coast and the rock church "St. Stephen." The islands in this area are really a lot and is extremely challenging (but fun) to guess the narrow channels between them.

The largest of them (in the Natural Park) is a Belene, located opposite the town. Here is a nice try to find a navigable channel between the island Golyama Burzina. The views that will be revealed to you will really make you speechless, and to realize the full integrity greatness of flora and fauna along one of Europe's largest rivers. The surrounding area looks like a tropical jungle and greenery around literally overflowing.

After you exit back into the main stream of the Danube, sailing may seem a bit monotonous as the beauty around Belene raising the bar higher senses. However, you will not have much time to get to the Romanian Chioka island where you can stay overnight. Of course taking permission from the border authorities of our northern neighbor. Worth the effort because this is a quiet, beautiful and pure - luxury that you can not get in the most expensive resorts.

  • Route
  • Kayaking
Zagrajden - Attraction Kayaking route Zagrazhden village - Chioka Island - Picture 1 Zagrajden - Attraction Kayaking route Zagrazhden village - Chioka Island - Picture 2 Zagrajden - Attraction Kayaking route Zagrazhden village - Chioka Island - Picture 3 Zagrajden - Attraction Kayaking route Zagrazhden village - Chioka Island - Picture 4