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Tourist attraction

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Gabrovo, kv. Etara

Architectural-Ethnographic Complex "ETAR" is open-air museum. Located near Gabrovo, 8km. Created in 1964, is a reconstruction of the Bulgarian folk customs and crafts. All craft workshops are active. Bazaar in the museum presents 16 examples of Balkan architecture. A exhibition gives an overview of the life of typical Bulgarian crafts village in the second half of the eighteenth century and nineteenth century This is a time when the city developed more than 26 crafts. Small cobbled streets in the museum, stone fountains, mills, gas lamps, clock tower, old houses evoke the spirit of the Bulgarian Revival. So visitors can observe the ancient technology, the original instruments to talk to the masters, and bring with you handicrafts of metal, leather, clay, wood, wool and hair. Visitors are offered guided tours of the Bulgarian, Russian, English and German. It provides a convenient and regular transport - bus "Rusevtsi-Elovitsa and bus № 1 from Gabrovo to the center of the museum square. Price per adult-4lv, for families with children up to 18 years, 8 euro for students and pensioners 2lv. For children under 7 years, children from orphanages, disabled-free. Price talk-6lv. bulgarian and 12 BGN. a foreign language. For parking is paid 1lv per hour

Working hours: 09:00 to 18:00

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