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Hristo Smirnenski dam

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Hristo Smirnenski dam is built Panicharka River , near the town of Gabrovo . Used for drinking and industrial water supply of Gabrovo and 23 other settlements in this area. Its area reaches 1054 hectares. The dam wall is Rockfill and is located about 10 km southwest of Gabrovo, and about 300 meters from the adjacent district of the city Lyutatsi . Pure and incredible mountain scenery around the lake are a real testament to the beauty of Bulgaria . Crystal clear waters of the lake are home to a wide variety of fish : perch , catfish , trout , carp, Nase , bream , rudd and others. Note that the reservoir is divided into several clear areas where regime changes often : Local Access is absolutely prohibited , while others sometimes fishing is allowed . Before heading to this area , be sure to inform yourself about the badge to the eligible areas for visitors . The proximity of the dam Smirnenski to Gabrovo offers tourists a wide variety of ways to spend your free time. You can visit the beautiful mountain landscapes Usana , gradishte and Lilacs . Or head to the ethnographic museum "Etara " protected areas "Sokolski Monastery", "Muhchenitsa - Yovovtsi ", " Cold well ", " Stolista can be seen " and Sites " Rock pile ", " Vikana Rock ", " Yew natural habitat "and "Big oak" . All of this will reveal celestial natural and historical heritage of Bulgaria.

  • Dam
Gabrovo - Attraction Hristo Smirnenski dam - Picture 1 Gabrovo - Attraction Hristo Smirnenski dam - Picture 2 Gabrovo - Attraction Hristo Smirnenski dam - Picture 3 Gabrovo - Attraction Hristo Smirnenski dam - Picture 4 Gabrovo - Attraction Hristo Smirnenski dam - Picture 5