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Momin dvor peak

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In 1938, the famous Bulgarian geologist and avid hiker Prof. Georgi Georgiev K wrote on the pages of "Bulgarian tourist" that Momin yard is the most poetic Pirin Mt . Sixteenth highest in Pirin mountain is 2,725 meters above sea level and a granite Carling . The peak is located in the Northern Pirin the main mountain ridge and has a pronounced pyramid form. Over millions of years, formed by the erosive action of the glaciers in the three neighboring circus - Valyavishki circus , Popovoezeren circus and circus Belemeto .

The peak is known as Momin dvor , and about his name a few legends persist . One of them tells the sister of the god Perun - Iris maid . She lived in a girl's gardens , which are situated in a cirque below Mount King's Yard . In winter Iris woven fabric , and early spring came down to the big mountain lake to white and then hang them to dry on a nearby peak. Since then left the tip to be called Momin yard. According to another legend Popovo lake reserved by folklorist Ivan Kiulev , local people believed that the place is " master" and reigned bad spirit. Once the bad god bathed in the lake , and his sister stretched canvases on the western tip. So the tip was called Momin yard.

Three short passable saddles connect Momini yard with neighboring peaks. West of Momin Dvor is Mount Valyavishki chukar . In the saddle between it and lily yard pass from Cirque Belemeto to Valyavishki circus (on a marked trail with orange spots on Tevno lake of Mount Dzhangal ) . Left saddle Kraledvorski port connects Momini yard with the southeast tip King's Yard . Through it passes the main , marked in blue trail ( to Popovo lake ) of Tevno lake to Kraledvorski circus and Bezbog . Northeast of Mount Momini courtyard separates the powerful Polejansko either side . There is a nearby peak Dzhangal . Gate between it and Mount Momini yard is difficult to pass through it can pass on to Kraledvorski Valyavishki circus circus .

If you decide to conquer the most poetic Mount Pirin , take about 40 minutes. Take the steep path along the western edge of Tevno lake.

Near Momin dvor are several chalets :Bezbog, Bunderitza, Vihren , Gotse Delchev, Demyanitsa, Kamenica , Raspberry , Pirin, Sinanitsa , Iavorov and Yane Sandanski .

  • Mountain Peak
Pirin - Attraction Momin dvor peak - Picture 1 Pirin - Attraction Momin dvor peak - Picture 2 Pirin - Attraction Momin dvor peak - Picture 3