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Mount Hleven

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Mount Hleven is one little-known Pirin peaks, but is a key to the mountain. The reason lies in the fact that he was the last peak of Pirin to the south , which rises more than 2,500 meters above sea level . While South Pirin was common forests and meadows of Northern Pirin is emblematic fearsome crags and precipices that attract tourists from around the world. After peak Bread , which rises to 2,639.7 m above sea level, the main ridge turns to the southeast and appear already lower Black Peak ( 2349 m ) and Boykov peak ( 2045 m ) .

Curious about Hleven that is long and narrow hump with very steep side slopes that barely rises above the ridge. This peak is one of the few who, after renaming themselves in 1942 , gained popularity with its new name . Previous names of Hleven are Hambartash , Ambartash , Tash Ambar . Translated from the Turkish word for stone Hambartash repository. It is believed that this name is derived from it is located south of the summit area Kotari Stone ( pens ) . There was once a warehouse, built of stones for food storage . Viewed from its eastern and northeastern slopes , Mount Hleven like a real fish. This has given the locals called it Fish peak.

The area around Mount Hleven is extremely rich in natural and historical attractions . Here we should mention that Hleven along with tips Boykov peak, Jeleznik, Orlovec , Komenitsa , Tooth doll, Stefanov peak with Korneshki ridge , Iron Gates Kraledvorski right gate and lakes Argirovo , Mitrovo valleys and spilled the final , protection and human river forming Pirin Bisritsa , fenced park area "Three rivers ." This is one of the most picturesque areas in the Pirin Mountains. There on the mountain pasture grazing cattle and forests are habitat for many species. One of the most attractive is Capercaillie bird, which unfortunately is rare elsewhere in the National Park "Pirin".

There are a few ways to climb Mount Hleven . Among the most popular starting points are Bezbog Tevno Lake and Pirin hut . Routes continue for at least 5 hours.

Available to Tourists huts Bezbog , Bunderitza, Vihren , Gotse Delchev, Demyanitsa , Kamenica , Raspberry , Pirin, Popov meadows, Sinanitsa and Yane Sandanski .

  • Mountain Peak
Pirin - Attraction Mount Hleven - Picture 1 Pirin - Attraction Mount Hleven - Picture 2